Affidavit of Obligation
Commercial Lien. Contact Point vs Cassandra + Co.
(This is a verified plain statement of fact)
All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Truth as a valid statement of reality is sovereign in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgement in commerce.
Guaranteed—All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the
existing remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves and endow it with
credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.
(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid
reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a
reasonable effort to study the law.)
Most of us have been hypnotized into believing that the meaningless scribbles of "legislators," "Presidents," etc., constitute "the law." After reading this chapter, one thing should be absolutely clear to you. The law is whatever you give your consent to.
This insight frees you from being a "victim" and a "subject," and restores you to your rightful position of power and sovereignty. (Always remember, though, that Territorial Gangsters [TG's] have all sorts of ways to obtain your "consent"! Standing up for your rights always involves risk.)
Our Founding Fathers believed that it was self-evident that the God of Nature is the sovereign of the universe and everything in it (as well as mankind) and that He had endowed all mankind with "certain unalienable rights" making them self-directing sovereigns, which means that any governments instituted among men derive their just powers (only) from the consent of the governed, who are the source of earthly power and authority.
Hence any attempt to exercise any powers NOT conveyed by the People is unjust and unauthorized, and any act done pursuant to such usurpation of power is void.
They were further convinced that God's temporal law for mankind was expressed in the law of the land. Common law is common-sense law. It is simple, straightforward and self evident, primarily because it is based on God's Laws. It is the foundational law of the union of States.
The Founding Fathers authorized three legal systems in the Constitution, first Common Law, secondly Equity Law, and thirdly Admiralty Law, which is the law of the sea. Gradually Common Law has been displaced by Equity Law until today the Common Law is rarely heard of or understood because it has been covered up and hidden away by the legal profession for very understandable business reasons.
Such people are pursuing their own private agenda. In fact the Common Law is generally looked upon as obscene, example: to have a common law marriage is considered to be unclean. Why? The first marriage license in the United States was issued in 1863. The question is not whether some third party should or should not perform the service; it is whether sovereigns must get permission from their servants (the government) before they can be married.
The commercial lien, which is authorized both by the common law and by Title 15 of the United States Code (USC), is reportedly the same lien the IRS uses to take Americans' homes and cars. However, some pro se litigants do not depend upon Title 15, but upon the common law of negotiable instruments (a.k.a. Commercial Law).
As such, it's almost impossible to remove a commercial lien without the approval of the individual claimant who filed the lien. Although a commercial lien can be challenged by a common law court or by a 7th Amendment jury trial, it does not require a court process or a court judgment for its establishment, validity, or execution. Therefore, it appears that the courts may not be able to simply extinguish this lien on their own discretion (or on motion from the lien debtors) without the voluntary approval of the person who filed the lien.
Traditionally, these liens can only be removed by the voluntary decision of the person who filed the lien, by the decision of a constitutional common-law jury trial, or by waiting 99 or 100 years. Since the common law has been smothered in the U.S.A., all judges are essentially powerless to overcome the liens.
All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses, hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.
The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against Public Hazard, because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political power, means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.
The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
Municipal corporations which include cities, counties, states and national governments have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).
In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim.
If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90 days).
Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation, hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial Liability Bond.
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.
Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.
It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process.
An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony.
It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien.
Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien.
Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.
PUBLIC HAZARD BONDING OF CORPORATE AGENTS All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company and the policy number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance. Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC) and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official personally to secure their public oath and service of office.
Allegations arise from the conduct of Cassandra + co acting as owner of Earth 27/6/2015. The
allegations that follow are recorded in “AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH” filed 27/6/2015 at the One Truth Forum and
The Helplessness of Judges
As such, it's almost impossible to remove a commercial lien without the approval of the individual claimant who filed the lien. Although a commercial lien can be challenged by a common law court or by a 7th Amendment jury trial, it does not require a court process or a court judgment for its establishment, validity, or execution. Therefore, it appears that the courts may not be able to simply extinguish this lien on their own discretion (or on motion from the lien debtors) without the voluntary approval of the person who filed the lien.
Traditionally, these liens can only be removed by the voluntary decision of the person who filed the lien, by the decision of a constitutional common-law jury trial, or by waiting 99 or 100 years. Since the common law has been smothered in the U.S.A., all judges are essentially powerless to overcome the liens.
All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses, hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.
The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against Public Hazard, because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political power, means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.
The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
Municipal corporations which include cities, counties, states and national governments have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).
In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim.
If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90 days).
Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation, hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial Liability Bond.
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.
Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.
It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process.
An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony.
It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien.
Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien.
Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.
PUBLIC HAZARD BONDING OF CORPORATE AGENTS All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company and the policy number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance. Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC) and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official personally to secure their public oath and service of office.
Contact Point/Lien Claimant
c/o Notary Acceptor
Oher PARTIES/Lien Debtor:
Cassandra and related parties: The "Cabal.", "Illuminati" "Bilderberg Group." and any corporate, banking and political entity associated with the debt control system on Earth and beyond. (Hereafter Cassandra and co. )
Allegations arise from the conduct of Cassandra + co acting as owner of Earth 27/6/2015. The
allegations that follow are recorded in “AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH” filed 27/6/2015 at the One Truth Forum and
Exhibit A
Exhibit A
Exhibit A: Requested Letter
Through various communications, Cassandra and co have revealed themselves to be:
Indifferent to human suffering:
"We do not hate you we are indifferent."
Unaware of human efforts to clean the biosphere:
"Left to your own devices you act as if you wish to destroy this world for your own comfort and convenience."
"The happiest you ever appear is in a state of ignorant bliss so why shouldn't we continue."
Ignorant of true human history:
"You had your chances and your perfect world when that wasn't enough we were created to lead you."
"And as the lion feeds on anything it can we do unto you."
Ignorant of multiple human efforts to correct the Cabal's legal abuses:
"Not once giving us any indication you wish things to be any different."
"You can not be allowed to destroy the planet like your creators designed you to."
Insulting, arrogant:
"So we will give you the escape you so desperately want we warn you ourselves and you swallow it like greedy little piglets expecting us to deliver you from your own evil and call it entertaining."
Ignorant, Unfeeling, Conceited:
"You have given us no reason to feel any differently than we always have about you and that is why we are building this world for you."
"You will become cybernetic while we allow it after which time you will be fully inserted into a brand new world."
"The Kingdom of Heaven" the bulk of you have been worshiping while we waited for our chance to take over you."
"You want a savior and we will save you from yourselves."
"We will enjoy the fruits of our labor while you sleep and dream as we create our own world for ourselves in which you are not suitable to exist."
"You are breathing dead and your time is ours."
"Billions of you and only a few are even reading this and that would still be true even if this was your nightly news station. A capable race would see beyond the swamp to find the fresh water."
"My very letter to this man called The Ruiner will be a representation of the fact that you all cannot see truth when it is in front of you and you will always choose the more comfortable free ride provided by leaders who are willing to be responsible for you. Leaders with the strength of will to create the world."
"Children is what you are the children of animals. And we will have our utopia without your presence doing anything but powering our new creations. What a hundred readers or more and you think you're all ready to be saved."
Ignorant of overriding legal agreements/Threatening:
"To address you the runaways. We hope you enjoy your freedom and wish you luck knowing you need it. You've damn near voided your agreement with us by inspiring this fiasco so tread carefully."
The writer of this blog has tried to argue on behalf of a few thousand humans who are aware of us what we do and how the world really works as if this is some sort of defense of humanity as a whole. These few have always existed and are laughed and ignored because of their own inability to digest the knowledge they have.
They sit at computers and attend conferences that feed the money cycles as if they are outsmarting the system. This is no threat any damage these types could have ever done would have been done long before today.
Go ahead and prove us wrong.
From this letter and others, like the Hidden Hand testimonial, (here) we swear they are unfit to claim ownership of Earth, humanity, and related civilizations.
Alternate leaders
Many capable financial, media and agricultural agencies have appeared over the last 20 years: Kickstarter, Pozible, Social Media, Natural Nutrition, Liposomal Vitamin C, Detoxadine...Exhibit B:
We swear under penalty of perjury before infinity that the abovementioned (Exhibit B) methods and leaders are more fit to run the Earth than Cassandra and co. We swear under penalty of perjury they must be stopped and stripped of all energy. We swear under penalty of perjury and all parties involved in that website must be stopped and stripped of all energy as they are keeping honest people in a state of disclosure status.
A. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
B. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
C. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
D. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
E. AM 9 all rights belong to the people; some are stated, some are not
F. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people governed
G. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
H. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
I. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
J. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
K. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
L. 101 no state shall set anyone above the common man.
M. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
N. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
O. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
P. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
Q. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
R. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
S. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
T. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
U. 613 all law makers court officials and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
2. “He demanded to see papers he thought I might have in my possession.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
D. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
E. AM 6 I may require as much in writing as is required of me
F. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
G. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
H. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
G. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
H. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
I. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
J. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
K. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
L. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) violation of Constitution
M. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
N. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
O. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
P. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
Q. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution.
3. “He had not introduced himself or showed me any identification as proof of his corporate status,
such as a police officer.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
A Security (15-USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
D. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
E. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
F. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
G. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
H. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
4. “He threatened to put me in jail.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
D. AM 6 in actions involving threat of jail accused to have public trial
E. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
F. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
G. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
H. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
I. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
J. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US constitution (treason)
K. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
L. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
M. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
N. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
O. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
P. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
Q. 331 only courts can decide punishment and rewards with regards to law
R. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
S. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
T. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
U. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
V. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
5. “He appeared to be carrying a firearm, and I presumed it was loaded (both of which he confirmed
later), and since he was becoming very angry I supplied him with the papers he demanded under
fear and threat of duress and or personal injury.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
D. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
E. AM 6 I may require as much in writing as is required of me
F. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
G. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
H. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
I. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
J. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
K. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
L. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
M. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
N. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
O. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force)in violation of Constitution
P. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
Q. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
R. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
S. no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
T. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
U. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
V. 613 all law makers court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
6. “He periodically accused me of breaking some laws.”
A. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
B. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
C. AM 6 in actions involving threat of jail accused to have public trial
D. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
E. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
F. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
G. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
H. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
I. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
J. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
K. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
L. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
M. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
N. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
O. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
7. “Without explaining the conditions of the contract and without making any attempt at a full
disclosure, he wanted me to put my signature on a presentment”
A. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
B. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
C. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
D. AM 6 I may require as much in writing as is required of me
E. AM 6 in actions involving threat of jail accused to have public trial
F. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
G. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
H. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
I. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
J. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
K. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
L. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
M. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trail
N. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
O. 101 no state to pass any law impairing the obligations of contract
P. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
Q. 111 only Congress has power to make law
R. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
S. 331 only courts can decide punishment and regards with regards to law
T. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
U. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
V. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
W. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
A Security (15 USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
X. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
8. “At that time John Smith wrote something on the presentment, and then he handed me a green
copy that he had torn out of the coupon book. …It appeared to me that John Smith had written
some words on the presentment on the signature line. The words that he wrote on the signature
line were ‘Refused to SiGN’ followed by the words, ‘Served 8/3/2000 1823’ “.
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later.
D. AM 5 no person to be deprived o anything without due process
E. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
F. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
G. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
H. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
I. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
J. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
K. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
L. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
M. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
N. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
O. 101 no state to pass any law impairing the obligations of contract
P. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
Q. 111 only Congress has power to make law
R. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
S. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
T. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
U. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
V. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
W. all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the US
9. “John Smith assured me that I must pay money to the court(?) for the ‘charges’ on the green paper
that he signed. That I could be held liable for a contract that I had not been a party to confused
me. It appears that John Smith is under the false presumption that since he signed ‘Refused to
SiGN’ on the contract that Winston Shrout became the liable party.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
D. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
E. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
F. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
G. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
H. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
I. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
J. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyhone of anything without fair trial
K. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyhone
L. 101 no state to pass any law impairing the obligations of contract
M. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
N. 111 only Congress has power to make law
O. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
P. 331 only courts can decide punishment and rewards with regards to law
Q. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
A Security (15 USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
R. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
S. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
T. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
U. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
Surety: There are one-hundred seventy-four (174) listed Constitution and Bill of Rights violations valued
at $10,000 per violation times two (2) Lien Debtors for a total value of this bill of three-million fourhundred
eighty thousand dollars ($3,480,000.00) in Functional Currency of the United States. The
surety/property utilized to guarantee the payment of this commercial lien is the operational/commercial
bonds of each of the Lien Debtors. If the bond(s) of the Lien Debtors is/are insufficient for coverage
the payment(s) the assets of the Lien Debtor(s) will be utilized as follows: all the real and moveable
property and bank and savings accounts and of the Lien Debtors except wedding rings, keepsakes,
family photographs, diaries, journals, etc., and the property normally exempted in the lien process
(includes survival provisions).
Creating a New Legal Office
I hereby create the Legal Office: Warden of Earth. I hereby claim it for myself, working alongside the creator. I claim equal standing to all men and women on Earth, and hereby invite them to create their own legal office, so we may all be on equal ground alongside our true infinite creator. They may also use the name Warden of Earth if they desire. I claim no superiority to any human. I wish the human race to discover it's own sovereignty.
An Alternate, Superior Set of Laws...
We hereby copy Winston Shrout's set of laws. We agree with the general spirit of these laws.
A. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
B. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
C. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
D. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
E. AM 9 all rights belong to the people; some are stated, some are not
F. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people governed
G. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
H. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
I. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
J. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
K. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
L. 101 no state shall set anyone above the common man.
M. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
N. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
O. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
P. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
Q. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
R. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
S. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
T. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
U. 613 all law makers court officials and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
2. “He demanded to see papers he thought I might have in my possession.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
D. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
E. AM 6 I may require as much in writing as is required of me
F. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
G. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
H. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
G. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
H. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
I. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
J. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
K. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
L. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) violation of Constitution
M. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
N. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
O. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
P. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
Q. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution.
3. “He had not introduced himself or showed me any identification as proof of his corporate status,
such as a police officer.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
A Security (15-USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
D. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
E. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
F. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
G. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
H. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
4. “He threatened to put me in jail.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
D. AM 6 in actions involving threat of jail accused to have public trial
E. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
F. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
G. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
H. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
I. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
J. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US constitution (treason)
K. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
L. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
M. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
N. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
O. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
P. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
Q. 331 only courts can decide punishment and rewards with regards to law
R. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
S. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
T. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
U. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
V. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
5. “He appeared to be carrying a firearm, and I presumed it was loaded (both of which he confirmed
later), and since he was becoming very angry I supplied him with the papers he demanded under
fear and threat of duress and or personal injury.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
D. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
E. AM 6 I may require as much in writing as is required of me
F. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
G. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
H. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
I. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
J. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
K. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
L. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
M. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
N. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
O. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force)in violation of Constitution
P. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
Q. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
R. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
S. no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
T. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
U. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
V. 613 all law makers court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
6. “He periodically accused me of breaking some laws.”
A. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
B. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
C. AM 6 in actions involving threat of jail accused to have public trial
D. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
E. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
F. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
G. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
H. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
I. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
J. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
K. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
L. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
M. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
N. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
O. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
7. “Without explaining the conditions of the contract and without making any attempt at a full
disclosure, he wanted me to put my signature on a presentment”
A. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
B. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later
C. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
D. AM 6 I may require as much in writing as is required of me
E. AM 6 in actions involving threat of jail accused to have public trial
F. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
G. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
H. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
I. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
J. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
K. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
L. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
M. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trail
N. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
O. 101 no state to pass any law impairing the obligations of contract
P. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
Q. 111 only Congress has power to make law
R. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
S. 331 only courts can decide punishment and regards with regards to law
T. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
U. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
V. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
W. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
A Security (15 USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
X. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
8. “At that time John Smith wrote something on the presentment, and then he handed me a green
copy that he had torn out of the coupon book. …It appeared to me that John Smith had written
some words on the presentment on the signature line. The words that he wrote on the signature
line were ‘Refused to SiGN’ followed by the words, ‘Served 8/3/2000 1823’ “.
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be forced to say or do anything that could be used against him later.
D. AM 5 no person to be deprived o anything without due process
E. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
F. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
G. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
H. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
I. AM 14 all persons equally protected and restricted by law
J. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
K. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
L. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyone of anything without fair trial
M. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyone
N. 101 no state shall declare war on a person (resort to force) in violation of
O. 101 no state to pass any law impairing the obligations of contract
P. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
Q. 111 only Congress has power to make law
R. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
S. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
T. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
U. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
V. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
W. all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the US
9. “John Smith assured me that I must pay money to the court(?) for the ‘charges’ on the green paper
that he signed. That I could be held liable for a contract that I had not been a party to confused
me. It appears that John Smith is under the false presumption that since he signed ‘Refused to
SiGN’ on the contract that Winston Shrout became the liable party.”
A. AM 4 I am safe from any unwarranted searches/seizures
B. AM 4 any action against me must be fully described in writing, issued by a court of
law, signed by a judge, and sworn on oath
C. AM 5 no person to be deprived of anything without due process
D. AM 9 all rights belong to the people some are stated some are not
E. AM 10 all government power comes from the consent of the people
F. AM 13 no law-abiding person shall be forced to act against his will
G. AM 14 all persons born or naturalized are US citizens and protected by US Constitution
H. AM 14 no person to hold office if he rebels against or violates US Constitution (treason)
I. AM 14 no state shall make or enforce any law limiting rights of US Constitution
J. AM 14 no state shall deprive anyhone of anything without fair trial
K. 101 no state shall work against US Constitution with anyhone
L. 101 no state to pass any law impairing the obligations of contract
M. 101 no state shall allow any person or group to make a law, judge on it, and punish
under it
N. 111 only Congress has power to make law
O. 193 no person or group can make a law, judge on it, and punish under it
P. 331 only courts can decide punishment and rewards with regards to law
Q. 331 no controlling agency shall harass a US citizen (mixed war/treason)
A Security (15 USC)
A USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
R. 431 no controlling agency shall be formed in violation of US Constitution
S. 441 the US to protect every citizen against personal attack or attack on rights
T. 612 “This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.”
U. 613 all law makers, court officials, and enforcement officers are bound by oath to the
US Constitution
Surety: There are one-hundred seventy-four (174) listed Constitution and Bill of Rights violations valued
at $10,000 per violation times two (2) Lien Debtors for a total value of this bill of three-million fourhundred
eighty thousand dollars ($3,480,000.00) in Functional Currency of the United States. The
surety/property utilized to guarantee the payment of this commercial lien is the operational/commercial
bonds of each of the Lien Debtors. If the bond(s) of the Lien Debtors is/are insufficient for coverage
the payment(s) the assets of the Lien Debtor(s) will be utilized as follows: all the real and moveable
property and bank and savings accounts and of the Lien Debtors except wedding rings, keepsakes,
family photographs, diaries, journals, etc., and the property normally exempted in the lien process
(includes survival provisions).
I, Contact Point, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit and do know the contents to be true, correct and complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law.
Contact Point. 29th June, 2015.
Contact Point
c/o Notary Acceptor
Tamsui, Taiwan
PENDING? I invite all observing civilizations to ratify this lien and notarization immediately. Thank you.
On this date, _____________________________, a man who identified himself as Contact Point appeared before me, a Notary, and attested to the truth of this affidavit with his signature.
Final Oath
I, Contact Point, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit and do know the contents to be true, correct and complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law.
Contact Point. 29th June, 2015.
Contact Point
c/o Notary Acceptor
Tamsui, Taiwan
PENDING? I invite all observing civilizations to ratify this lien and notarization immediately. Thank you.
On this date, _____________________________, a man who identified himself as Contact Point appeared before me, a Notary, and attested to the truth of this affidavit with his signature.
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